Baseball Wisdom for Lawyers

By Talmage Boston on April 6, 2016 

Baseball Wisdom for Lawyers

Like all lines of work, a lawyer’s career will have some peaks and plenty of valleys.  Maybe a big client goes broke.  Maybe one’s law firm splits.  Maybe a big jury verdict goes the wrong way. Maybe a whole segment of the economy tanks.  Maybe new legislation restricts one’s capacity to maintain success.  Maybe a disgruntled client files a grievance or pursues a malpractice claim.  Yes, there are many ways a bullish career can suddenly and unexpectedly turn bearish.

Lawyers who stay in the trenches more than three decades will probably get to experience many, if not most of these adverse circumstances.  Some find a way to keep their heads up and continue putting one foot in front of the other until they find a way out of the valley; though some do not, and deal with career setbacks by engaging in various addictions intended to numb the pain.  

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Originally published in The Texas Lawbook