Lawyer, Historian, Baseball Fan, Writer – Cross-Examines History

By Winstead on October 14, 2016 

Talmage Boston Stage Interview with Author Michael Duffy

By Mark Curriden, The Texas Lawbook (Oct. 6, 2016) – Talmage Boston had just finished kindergarten when a neighbor in Houston introduced him to the world of baseball cards.  Boston spent hours absorbing the statistics on the back of the cards.  Horrified that her son was wasting time and brain cells on frivolous matters, Boston’s mother, who was a school teacher, found a possible solution: she bought her son trading cards with presidential photos on the front and information about their time in the White House on the back. 

Read full article here: Talmage Boston Lawyer Historian Baseball Fan 

“It gave me two passions,” Boston says. “That’s how my love for baseball and presidential history came to me. It was all in the cards.”